Tech ramblings by Marcin

32c3 most interesting videos

2016-01-22 00:00

It’s been some time since the most recent incarnation on Chaos Congress took place (CCC site). I’ve finally managed to sift through some of the videos. Have a selection of those I’ve found most interesting to me. If there are others really worth watching - pass me a line! Cheers.

  • Tor onion services are more useful than most people realize — super packed 32c3 talk from @torproject devs:
  • State of the Onion - what’s happend in 2015 around Tor project. Informative to say the least.
  • A very interesting presentation. Especially in the light of Novena Laptop and the like: {
  • INSIDE GLORIOUS LEADER’S OPERATING SYSTEM - this one is actually great! No ridiculing, just a review of features. Go see what os-level surveilance looks like:
  • 3D printing on the moon - just printing something on your 3d printer seems trivial compared to the challange of doing this under Moon conditions:
  • J. Alex Halderman, Nadia Heninger: Logjam: Diffie-Hellman, discrete logs, the NSA, and you